The SNTE and Elba Esther Gordillo's lawyer plead for the recovery of 17 works of art


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The Secretary General of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Alfonso Cepeda Salas, and the lawyer of the ex- Elba Esther Gordillo Magisterial teacher, Marco Antonio del Toro, exchanged charges for the Master acquired – with the resources of the teachers – when she was at the head of the group

This morning, at the time of A brief press conference at the Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo, The union leader presented before the secretaries general the first images and details of 17 works of art acquired by Gordillo Morales, whose titles had not been made public.

The works, originally intended for the megaproject of the head of the institution "La Ciudad del Concomimiento", were delivered by the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Investigations of Organized Crime (SEIDO) of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGR ) to the largest union in Latin America, after verifying ownership.

  Photo: Benjamín Flores

Photo: Benjamín Flores

This is eight pieces of the famous Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, "Female Nude" by Pedro Coronel, an untitled work of Gabriel Orozco, as well as than the piece "Tortuguitas" by Francisco Toledo. The author is unknown six other pieces, as well as the name of the work.

According to Cepeda Salas, the value of these first 17 works amounts to nearly three billion pesos.

In the few minutes that lasted the conference, the union leader – who avoided mentioning Gordillo's name – assured that the teachers were "happy" because after four years he finally got the job back.

"Tell the Mexican people that education workers will always be with them, and actions like this will be done on a permanent basis, that is our motto and our pride," he told the media.

However, what appeared to be a historic day for the SNTE shattered that began the questions.The Secretary General refused to give further details about the judicial proceedings that would have started last April before the PGR to recover the work, to ensure that "it was not his skill" and that the details would have the legal representative of the Union, Soralla Bañuelos de la Torre, from whom he apologized for his absence for "agenda."

Alfonso Cepeda also did not acknowledge the existence of a procedure of voluntary jurisdiction by which the lawyer of Gordillo, Marco Antonio del Toro, denied having the works, accused the orchestra SNTE r a dirty campaign against it and blamed the union leader for the possibility of losing coins, as revealed Process in its 2163 edition.

  Photo: Benjamín Flores

Photo: Benjamín Flores

The argument of Cepedas Salas was that the SNTE had to be certain that the works were the property of the Magisterium.

Political Maneuver: Gordillo's Lawyer

At the end of the lecture, Marco Antonio del Toro, the leader's lawyer, appeared at the exit of the Cultural Center of Contemporary Mexico and insisted to the press that the SNTE has not recovered the work, had been made available to them since the arrest of Gordillo

"It is a negligence that the SNTE does not receive the possession of these works that were acquired to be part of the cultural heritage that belonged to the City of Knowledge, a project Del Toro went to a harder and called the "political maneuver" of the president of the SNTE, Juan Diaz of the Torre, to make public the "sophistry of recovery" works of art "two days before the election on Sunday, July 1.

"Today they pretend to believe that they have recovered the artistic work.Faux They have not done anything for years, demonstrating their irresponsible actions." Soralla Bañuelos de la Torre refused to Receiving it since 2014, despite the fact that the teacher Gordillo has done everything possible to preserve it for the benefit of the SNTE.It is so that his illegal act is proven, "he said.

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