The SNTE will exhibit the treasure of Elbe Esther's art


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The National Union of Educational Workers (SNTE) will exhibit for free as early as the next school cycle r 17 works of art including eight pieces by Diego Rivera one of Francisco Toledo and one of Gabriel Orozco who were insured to the former leader of this organization, Elba Esther Gordillo Morales and they were valued at approximately 3 billion pesos.

Another of the works is from the author "Clavé", a plus of Pedro Coronel and the rest is identified as "unknown author."

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The curator of the collection and president of the Mexican Society of the Writers of the Visual Arts Paul Ac har Zavalza said that the pieces are in a good state of preservation and noted that among them are five of the 21 panels painted Diego Rivera at the New Workers School in New York, in 1933.

The treasure It was acquired before 2013, but was secured by the PGR as part of investigations into the possible diversion of resources attributed to Gordillo Morales.

Alfonso Cepeda Salas, secretary general of SNTE avoided referring to the judicial process by which the work remained in defense of the PGR .

At a press conference explained that the formal delivery was finalized this June 28 and that the SNTE plans to expose them for free and permanent the next school year in the year. one of the cultural places that meet the requirements of their conservation, a circumstance that is analyzed by the specialized staff of the union that Abe Juan Diaz de la Torre

"On the acquisition, we know that it was with the union dues of education workers at the time (during the administration of Elba Esther Gordillo ), "he said. 19659002]  obra3_62903932.jpg

"It took us a long time to recover because we had to demonstrate irrefutably the ownership certificates on behalf of the workers' union. There may be other works that are not in the name of the union, but we must prove that they were purchased with the money of the members of the organization. "

Cepeda Salas said that he does not know how much and what works still have to be recovered. PGR .

He pointed out that the organization of teachers is congratulated on the achievement of the delivery of cultural heritage.

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<p> "We teachers are happy, with the unit é, the pride and commitment we have recovered </p>
<p>  At the end of the press conference, the lawyer <strong> Marco Antonio del Toro </strong> explained that the works had been set to the disposition of the SNTE from the moment Elba Esther Gordillo was arrested, but that Soralla Bañuelo s De la Torre, legal representative of the union, refused to receive them. </p>
<p>  "It is a negligence that the SNTE did not want to receive possession of these works acquired to be part of the cultural heritage that belonged to the City of Knowledge, project which was approved by the Sixth Extraordinary Congress of the National Union, "he said. </p>
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" Before a notary public, we specified that this lady did not want to receive the work and in front of a court of Mexico, we opened a voluntary jurisdiction to register them with the SNTE, but before the negative, the PGR assured them; that is why they have not recovered anything, the works were still available to their owner, the union. "

In an interrogation conducted in 2015 by the lawyer of Toro in Bañuelos De la Torre, the legal representative of the SNTE indicated that the project of The City of Knowledge, promoted by the former leader, included the construction of a museum in which 86 works of art would be exhibited.

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