The song that Joan Sebastian wrote to Salma Hayek | who


Apparently, the actress of Veracruz was the crush of the singer.

Julián Figueroa, son of the late composer-composer, Joan Sebastian says that his father wrote a song thinking about Salma Hayek.

After three years of his father's death, Singer also spoke in an interview for Ventaneando about the difficult thing that happened and some anecdotes that no one knew about Joan.

Among these stories Julian confessed that at one point his father had told him for whom his former partners had written some of his famous songs

Among the lucky ones lies the Actress from Veracruz, who inspired the song "Eso y más"

Without giving much details of a probab The relationship between Joan and Salma the 23-year-old man hinted that the actress was the crush of his father.

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