The Sonoran Congress decides today on the constitutional right of veto


Hermosillo.- The Committee of Governments and Constitutional Affairs of the State Congress approved amendments to the Sonora Political Constitution to give a figure to the veto.

This initiative, which empowers the executive to oppose a law or decree that the legislature has sent for its promulgation, it was approved on the night of Monday 16 July and it is expected that this Wednesday, July 18 will be voted in plenary.

There are no matches . The leaders of the Together We Make History coalition (Morena-PES-PT), Jacobo Mendoza, Martín Preciado and Jaime Moreno, accompanied by Morena's representative in front of INE, Adolfo Salazar, asked legislators to make known to society sonora content of the initiative of amendment of the local Constitution which is about to be voted.

Jacobo Mendoza, president of Morena in the state, described this session as a legislative move a week after the elections and in anticipation of the arrival of the new legislature, where the coalition together we will do History won in the last elections 20 of the 21 local districts.

"Morena Sonora demands, first, that the state Congress makes public the content of the approved constitutional reforms in an irregular manner Second, that a space for broad debate and debate public debate be opened between specialists, organized civil society and all political forces, including the new conformation of the Congress, to carefully analyze the contents of the reforms and determine their legality, especially before the news "Meanwhile, the deputies Coalition elected officials have sent a letter to the state governor, Claudia Pavlovich, in which they ask him to stop "his attempt at a coup of the legislative state, which, with the old habits, hidden, with pressure and the purchase of the wishes of deputies during the holiday period, seek to violate the mandate given to us by the Sonoran people. "

On the other hand, the leader of the Party of nat action ION (PAN), Alejandra López Noriega, affirmed that the local deputies of this party continue the analysis of the initiative, but in In the PAN, we categorically reject the proposal of the initiative that has engendered a climate of bitterness, and we will not approve the option of total veto, partial veto right on articles or paragraphs of a law and budget veto, even a been eliminated, "López Noriega said.

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