The Sony XZ3 was leaked in advance »GT Republic, information from Guatemala


A British store revealed all the details of the new Sony Xperia XZ3

The Sony Xperia XZ3 went on sale in advance and disclosed its specifications.

The British Store ] Mobilefun erased the secrets of this new cell phone and put it on pre-sale from today.

The store "guilty" is also known to filter the design of the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Note9 .

From Mobilefun on Xperia XZ3 would have a screen FHD + from 5.7 inches .

In addition, it would have a resolution of 1080 × 2.160 pixels and an aspect ratio of 18: 9.

It will also include a long battery life of 3.240 mAh

For the rest, it seems that the Xperia XZ3 would have the same 19 + 12-megapixel Oble camera from the Xperia XZ2 Premium .

Mobilefun says that there is a disadvantage in the photographic section with a single camera.

But do not worry, Sony was offering two internal cameras while the store only sees one.

The Xperia XZ3 would incorporate a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor .

It would have about 6 gigas of RAM and 64 gigabytes of extensible internal storage.

Its introductory price would be 849 approximately Q7,430.10 .

Despite the advances, Xperia XZ3 will be presented to IFA 2018 to be held from August 30 to September 5.

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With information from Sony and Andro4all portal.

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