The Spanish boat goes to the migration zone


On board the Astral .- A Spanish salvage ship set sail for international waters on Thursday with four European parliamentarians on board, while the governments of several nations Europeans analyzed how to manage the

Astra left Malta early Thursday to join the Open Arms rescue boat that is already in the search and rescue area in front of the Mediterranean Sea. the coast of Libya. Both are run by the NGO Proactiva Open Arms, based in Spain

Three Spanish legislators and one Italian joined the mission as observers and plan to share their experiences at the next European plenary session July 2-5 in Strasbourg. . These are the Spanish Miguel Urban, Ana Miranda and Javi López, as well as the Italian Eleonora Forenza of Italy

AP Photo

The Astral captain, Riccardo Gatti, said that he was not sure that the boat could return to the port of Malta. Several rescue boats run by charities have been denied permission to reach Italy and Malta in recent weeks.

"We are leaving now, but we do not know if we will come back," Gatti said as he left Malta before sunrise. "No because we do not want it, but because we do not know if they will let us come back or stop."

The mission comes at a time when the role of humanitarian boats on a hot topic at an EU summit in Brussels, which focuses on EU migration policy

Italy pushes the bloc of 28 nations to abandon the Dublin agreements that require the first process of arrival of immigrant asylum applications. Italy argues that it bears a burden that belongs to all the nations of the EU, since the arrival in Italy reaches Europe

In this note: [19659010] Immigrants in Europe
  • European Union Migrants
  • Mediterranean Migrations
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