The state government strengthens the prevention and control of dengue fever


* Ministry of Health intensified the larval control, dechiltration and fumigation before the increase of the presence of the mosco transmitter


Colima, Col.- The Secretary of Health and Well-being Being Social State Government has strengthened the actions larval control, fumigation and promotion of decarburization in the five municipalities most at risk of vector-borne diseases, before the increase in humidity and precipitation that occurs at this time of year.

One of the preventive actions carried out as part of the dengue control program, Chikungunya and Zika, the agency said that Vector staff made 12 thousand 500 readings during the first half this year in the 5,000 ovitraps distributed in the municipalities of Armería, Colima, Manzanillo, Tecomán and Villa de Álvarez to monitor the behavior of the mosquito's presence in the environment. [19659004LaSous-Directiondel'EpidémiologieduMinistèredelaSantéindiquequecetteétudeentomologiqueavecovitrapsrapporteunepositivitéde10%deplusquel'annéedernièredueàl'éclosiondesœufsquirestentimprégnéspendantdesmoisetmêmeplusUneannéedanslesparoisdesréservoirsd'eauoudesconteneurslorsdelaréceptiond'eauetd'eaudepluie

Therefore, it was decided to & # 39; perform a second fumigation cycle to reduce the presence of the transmitting mosquito and the risk of suffering from some of these diseases, which began last Monday, July 9 and will end August 4, in addition to intensify the placement of larvicide and promote with municipalities the descacharrización.

It is worth mentioning that the ovitrap is a device made of a black plastic can with a capacity of 1 liter, which is filled with parts by volume and covered with a filter paper tape on the edge of the water; it is used to collect eggs from dengue vectors, being the measure of choice for monitoring populations and the risks of entomological transmission.

Similarly, the vector spawning is done mainly in the afternoon, which remain attached to the walls of the container or tank, flush water or surface of the water; to reach its development, it takes two to three days and enough water or water.

Once the larval development inside the egg is complete, it is able to withstand droughts and low temperatures. months, or even more than one year, hence the importance of washing, covering, spilling and throwing containers that can store water during this rainy season

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