The status of 521 properties has been corrected, they say


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The next commissioner for reconstruction, César Cravioto Romero, assured that they had corrected the status of 521 properties that appeared in the reconstruction censuses, but that in fact they had no impact, although that they were placed in the houses bearing the legend. "Affected Property".

Former local party deputy Morena explained that settlement residents such as Roma and Condesa had called them because members of the new census brigade had pasted stickers bearing the caption "property affected", which He had attributed to the fact that it was a practical way of distinguishing properties. who had visited.

"There are 521 buildings that have not been damaged, but he has anyway put this announcement in place to announce that we managed to pass, but as indicated property affected, calls from neighbors have alerted because these homes are not damaged, "said the future commissioner.

"We are in the process of correcting certain parcels with the word" dwellings visited without earthquake damage "in order to differentiate them and no misunderstanding on the part of citizens," added the former responsible for the capital.

When asked if there was any further intention of the current authorities or the team in charge of including property without damage, he replied that it was not necessary There had been no fraud and attributed the problem to the government in turn.

"Undamaged buildings account for 3% of the total, either because they were repaired or because the visit was made and they were not damaged, but at some point people authority to do so because he thought he had some kind of assignment, "said the next commissioner for reconstruction.

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