The stock market ends with a gain of 0.33%


The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) finished with a gain of 0.33% and managed to break the 47,000 mark in the country before the country's presidential elections, while Uncertainty persists for trade relations between the United States and its partners.

In final figures, the S & P BMV IPC is set at 47,031.27 units, an increase of 156.84 points from the previous level.

At the end of trading, on the Mexican Stock Exchange, a volume of 276.2 million securities was exploited, for an economic amount of 11 thousand 076.8 million pesos, with 70 stations that won, 51 lost and 10 remained unchanged.

The stations that supported the benefits of the CPI were: Gruma which closed with a gain of 2.64%; Grupo Financiero Banorte with 0.98%; Mexichem with 0.96 percent; North Central Airport Group (OMA) with 0.93% and CEMEX with 0.54%

The local stock market finished in line with US indices, which closed with increases: the Dow Jones rose 0, 41%, Standard and Poor → s 500 advanced by 0.62% and Nasdaq by 0.79%

The Mexican stock market had a positive session in phase with the international markets a few days after the elections of the 1st July, in a session in which economic data of the United States were published, with attention in the news on the commercial relations of this country with its partners.

In the foreign exchange market, the free dollar closed in 19.20 pesos on the purchase and 20.00 pesos on sale



031,27 units were located in IPC

 Termina Stock Market with a gain of 0.33%

Bolsa. In the end, the Mexican stock market operated with a volume of 276.2 million shares for a total of 11,000 076 billion.

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