The strange case of the man who has a brain-shaped head


A 37-year-old man went to an endocrinology clinic in Italy, where the scalp was extremely affected by a series of strange folds and furrows that appeared spontaneously.

The medical history of the individual had four years of excessive sweating, constant headaches as well as joint pain. In addition, it is his wife who indicated that for some time he had noticed the increase of folds in his scalp, according to the study of the University of Padova Universities published in The New England Journal of Medicine. .


According to the case study, the man also had the feet and hands widened and the lower jaw too far apart.


After a series of tests and physical examinations, doctors found that insulin – like growth factor – 1 hormone – which, along with growth hormone, contributes to the normal growth and development of bones and tissues – was present at high levels in the body of the patient, which caused acromegaly, a disease characterized by an increase in the size of the hands, feet , jaw and nose.

Magnetic resonance of the patient's head also revealed a pituitary adenoma (a benign, slow-growing tumor that originated in the cells constituting the pituitary gland) and measured 27 x 22 by 25 millimeters.


The man underwent a transsphenoidal resection (type of operation consisting of inserting instruments through the nose to remove tumors located in or near the pituitary gland) in order to treat the adenoma. As a result, he was treated with an analogue of somatostatin, a hormone that inhibits the release of growth hormone. Finally, he received injections of soft tissue fillers to lessen the effects of the scalp, although they had only a partial effect.

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