The strange prototype of the first Xbox is seen in a new photo


Now we know where is the original prototype of the first Xbox

Bill Gates came to the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in 2000 with good news under his arm: Microsoft was going to launch its own console with the name of Xbox. And what better way to advertise than with a prototype on the stage.

This was a huge "X" shaped metal hulk, which had little to do with the final version that would reach the stores. year later The idea of ​​Microsoft was to impress the press and developers with an artifact halfway between an extravagant console and a powerful PC.

Now, almost 20 years later, we learned that the original prototype of this presentation is being recorded in a showcase of the Microsoft Visitors Center at its headquarters in Redmond, Washington. This was revealed by Graeme Boyd, director of social marketing for Xbox, who posted a photo on his Twitter account:

According to the book Opening of the Xbox (2002) by Dean Takahashi, each of them is the same. one of these prototypes cost Microsoft about $ 18,000 because each unit was made from a massive block of aluminum. Now you know why this version of the console has never done in stores.

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