In recent months, there seems to be two obsessions in the big technological companies . The first of what we saw in the Google I / O and WWDC 2018, and is just adding features to Android P and iOS 12 that represent the time that users spend with devices and can limit. The other has more time on the table, but he is gaining strength lately. He was born with Facebook and Messenger Lite and continued to grow with Instagram Lite. Now, Spotify Lite is born.

The role of these applications for many does not make much sense. We know that the goal of businesses with them is that users save rate data and internal storage space, but data rates are greater than ever and there is seems that, gradually, we leave behind us 16 GB of death. So, we need to understand Spotify Lite in its context, which is that of developing economies and Android One. Whether Google is better or worse, the reality is that we are talking about terminals with, in some cases, 8 GB of internal storage .

For them, Spotify Lite offers them to occupy less than 15 MB compared to 100 of their big brother, consuming less data, because the quality of the music is also lower. Focused on savings, it has a data consumption section where monthly limits can be set, which until now could only be done from the dedicated Android function.

On the other hand, Lite does not usually come to obtain benefits, but also to lose, and for example, even using premium accounts, you can not create playlists or send to Chromecast a feature that many Today 's service users use Chromecast Audio. If the account is free, only random mode is available, with only six song hops per hour.

Something good about Spotify Lite is that its interface does not seem so sliced ​​or mobile web of the last decade as is the case of Facebook Lite, which does not understand Material Design or any modern design trend.

Spotify Lite is currently only available for download on Android in Brazil, but the APK can be downloaded from the repository from APKMirror.