The student movement in real time: 50 out of 68 … #TheHistoriaQueNosUne


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- At 07:30 on July 30, 1968, General José Hernández Toledo, commander of the 1st Battalion of Fusiliers and Paratroopers, shares a military report on social networks. describes how that morning "expelled" the students from the buildings of secondary schools 1, 2 and 3 and how these "subversives" overturned the centenary gate of San Ildefonso with a Molotov cocktail.

Almost at the same time, the Federal Directorate of Security sends to the networks the report of one of its field officers that confirms the functioning of the army, but stresses that it is the soldiers who have "blow up" the door of the Preparatoria "with a bazooka".

General Marcelino García Barragán, Secretary of Defense, shares in his wall a revealing confession: the army intervened in the student conflict because the Secretary of the Interior, Luis Echeverría He asked … And he asked on the basis of "distorted and exaggerated information."

Around noon, Echeverría himself uploads on his wall a key fragment of his statements made at a press conference "The measures taken are to preserve the academic autonomy of naive interests and naive, very naive, who seek to divert the ascending path of the Mexican revolution. social networks an image that contradicts the statements of Echeverría: the rector of the UNAM, Javier Barros Sierra, hoist the flag of Mexico at half mast on the esplanade of University City. He is surrounded by hundreds, perhaps thousands of students and teachers who sing the national anthem.

The rector himself shares a key fragment of his speech a few minutes later: "Today is a day of mourning for the university. The autonomy is seriously threatened … "

In the afternoon, on social networks, the news spreads: the rector Barros Sierra will lead the next day-August 1-a march for the defense of university autonomy …

How would the 1968 student movement in Mexico and the Tlatelolco massacre be counted if that year there was Facebook or Twitter?

"A 50's 68: the story that unites us "tries to answer this question.This is a digital platform designed as a social network in which different characters publish day after day what they did, seen or experienced during the 1968 student movement in Mexico, that is to say that the facts of this movement are counted – by messages, photographs, videos – by its witnesses and protagonists as if it were happening in real time, but 50 years ago

The Platform is jointly produced by the magazine Proceso the University Cultural Center of Tlatelolco (CCUT), the National Center for Social Communication (Cencos) and Cultura Colectiva (CC). His goal: to tell in a different way, fresh and fresh the facts of a historical movement that marked the future of this country. It is at the same time in a serious way to address these events – as told by their witnesses and protagonists – to new generations who have a daily source of information in social networks .

Characters who "post" in said platform and upload photos and videos have the dual status of being public figures and historical characters. Thus, messages, authorities, student leaders, intellectuals, artists, journalists, etc., appear on the platform, a constellation of figures that, in one way or another , left a written or graphic trace that can be published

which is uploaded to the platform comes from a verifiable documentary source – books, magazines, newspapers, photographic files or film – which is quoted in a precise way, granting the credit for authors and institutions.

At the same time, they appear in the "post" platform on news of current activities – conferences, seminars, exhibitions – that remember or commemorate the events of this student movement. These are events organized by the University Cultural Center of Tlatelolco and will take place during these months when the fiftieth anniversary of these events is celebrated. The goal is to establish a virtual dialogue between the "historical voices" of the events of 1968 and the "current voices" that evoke them.

In addition, each publication of the past or present has the possibility to receive "likes", "to comment" and share its content via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so that it become interactive.

The idea of ​​the platform on 68 was taken from the project "1917. Free History", launched last year by a team of professionals led by the journalist Mikhail Zygar. This team has designed a similar platform to tell the story of the Russian revolutions of February and October 1917. By email, the Zygar team has authorized the development of their idea in the # 39, applying to the student movement in Mexico

. 68: The story that unites us "begins this Sunday, July 22, just with the clashes between students of Vocationals 2 and 5 of IPN High School and Isaac Ochoterena, and will end on October 12, ten days after the Tlatelolco massacre , when Gustavo Díaz Ordaz inaugurates the Olympic Games which, paradoxically, will have as an emblem the Dove of Peace.

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