The sun's rays damage the skin even in cloudy weather


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Mexico ranks first in skin cancer in men and third in women, and in the world, one person dies Each This Disease

Prolonged exposure to sunlight is dangerous even when it is cloudy because ultraviolet rays damage the skin.

During the current summer holidays, it is important to remember that the skin is the largest organ. said Gabriela Xospa, a dermatologist at DioMed Hospital.

"In our society, we are convinced that we must associate exposure to the sun's rays directly to burn the skin and that on the contrary, if it is cloudy, the skin is saved, c & d Is a myth so we must use products that protect our skin like sunscreens, "he said. [19659002] The specialist pointed out that there is an increase in the incidence of skin problems in young people, so the use of sunscreen should be essential, even by cloudy weather because ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds.

Wear a hat and goggles with ultraviolet protection, apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure and replace every two hours.

Avoid sun exposure between eleven in the morning and four in the evening, wear clothing that can protect, such as long pants or a long-sleeved blouse.

Notimex Information.

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