The system falls into verificentros; the capitalists reschedule the appointment



The restart of the vehicle check in Mexico City occurred as part of operational failures in his system.

The main problem was the data connection of vehicle verification centers with the centralized system of the Ministry of Environment, said the agency.

Of the 14 vehicle verification centers that did not start the service, 11 will do so today, it was guaranteed.

what to know about the verification of the new vehicle

In the meantime, the AZ20, BJ21 and AZ49 centers have data transfer problems, so the procedure will be launched and they will be temporarily closed, added the Sedema.

14 verificentros did not start the service yesterday; The attitude of responsible citizens who scheduled their checkup appointments for the first day and avoid saturation was not worth much, as they had to wait until two o'clock or postpone their appointment [19659003] There were cases of drivers who were reimbursed the money they paid for the test procedure at another center.

Many were annoyed, because they felt that the service would not have started if it was not ready yet

I do not know how much it was. waiting for six months and does not give the result, now nothing else is working a line of six that has verificenter, "said a user.

The new physico-mechanical inspection also doubts generated. Users complained that they had not been informed of the results of the braking, suspension and tire tests, although the authorities had clearly indicated that recommendations would be made to improve the physico-mechanical conditions of the cars themselves. They would help to reduce polluting emissions and increase road safety.

They only put me decal, but they gave me no specification, evaluation or score; J e think my truck went well if they did not tell me anything, but I think it would not be bad if they told you what could be better, "Manuel said. pilot.

The Secretariat of the Capital Environment (Sedema) admitted that the verification system failed during the first day of operation of the new CVV, although it explained that the problems were solved by the staff of the Sustainable Transport Programs Directorate. Mobile Sources

1,466 cars were checked yesterday, with the new system, until 19:00

At 22:00. Verification Centers ; and from 1 pm, 35 of the 49 worked, which was supposed to work yesterday.

Problems have arisen with respect to the speed of information transfer, as this may indicate that they are not complying with the requested link specifications. normally, the data transfer process takes two to three and a half hours.

If the center's server does not have up-to-date information, the centralized system blocks the operation, "he explains.


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