The TEPJF revokes the expulsion of Ernesto Cordero, Jorge Luis Lavalle and Eufrosina Cruz from the PAN ranks


MEXICO (APR) .- The Electoral Court of the Judiciary (TEPJF) ordered the Justice Committee of the National Action Party (PAN) to revoke the expulsion of former Senators Ernesto Cordero and Jorge Luis Lavalle and the former deputy. Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza, settling on Wednesday the trials for the protection of the political and electoral rights of these PAN activists.

The PAN justice commission ordered deportation for acts of disloyalty to the party when Cordero, Lavalle and Cruz publicly stated their intention to vote for the PRI presidential candidate, José Antonio Meade, and not for the PAN candidate, Ricardo Anaya.

Against this resolution, the three argued that the Justice Commission lacked completeness in omitting the arguments relating to the violation of the principle of prescription, the discrimination resulting from their expulsion and conscientious objection as the basis for the legitimacy of the behaviors for which they were sanctioned.

The seven members of the TEPJF Superior Court voted unanimously to restore the rights of these NAP advocates and ordered the NAP to resolve the "omitted proposals" as "fully and comprehensively" as soon as possible. , consistent and coherent ".

After hearing the ruling of the highest court in partisan and electoral matters, former Senate Speaker Ernesto Cordero said that this revocation shows that the national action can still regroup and warned that This was the last chance for his party, as it risked "Disappearing as the PRD".

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