Those of Kyoto continue to expand the entertainment possibilities of Nintendo Labo . Since the launch of this innovative idea, only two kits were available on the market, but fortunately the Japanese company presented a third kit which brings us a proposal that was waiting: driving vehicles

The Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit includes the necessary weapons orders to enjoy various vehicles such as the automobile, an airplane and even a submarine . As is already the case with the other packages available, this third kit includes the software that explains the instructions for assembling each of the included instruments.

One of the most important interesting features of the set is the possibility of using the Joy-Con of the Nintendo Switch as if they were the keys vehicles. This will allow us to quickly change the type of transport by entering the key in the desired control. The game included in the set has appropriate scenarios to use different vehicles.

Because the Joy-Con function works as a key, it will be possible to use two controls simultaneously to play with a companion. In the video presentation, you can see a player drive while another control the turret of the vehicle

The third kit Nintendo Labo will be available next September 14 at the price of 70 $ dollars . Nintendo mentions that its goal is for players to discover "how fun it is to create and play with this product while participating in races, battles with stretch arms and exploring a mysterious world."