The trade must accept a bill of one thousand pesos


Mexico City – The thousand peso bill began to circulate on April 7, 2008 and since its publication has provoked conflict among the population, because it is argued that accepting them implies mistrust because they are "easily falsifiable".

Although in early 2018 the Bank of Mexico (BM) confirmed to EL UNIVERSAL that the most falsified banknotes in the country are 500 pesos, even several companies, especially small businesses, do not get To do this, there is a violation of the Monetary Law, the Commercial Code and the Federal Consumer Protection Act, as all the country's stores have to accept paper with compensation power, 39, that is, by the Monetary Law

Banxico explains on his website that the bills that have the power to release are those of ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, five hundred and a thousand pesos .

In 2013, the World Bank signed an agreement with the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) in which it committed to work together to promote the proper use of banknotes and legal coins. as well as consumer rights and equity between suppliers and consumers.

Since 2014, the Central Bank has published, in a specific Facebook account for the dissemination of information of the agency, action measures in the face of a company's refusal to accept tickets in thousands of pesos. ] Banxico's recommendations are:

– File a complaint with Profeco, as it is a violation of Article 58 of the Federal Law on consumer protection, which establishes that the provider of goods, or services can not refuse them to the person requesting them on grounds of gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexual preference, religion or belief. any other particularity, or payment in a particular denomination No.

– Indicate to the Bank of Mexico the name and address of the establishment, the reason why they do not accept it by e-mail [email protected] or by phone at 01 800 BANXICO (01 800 226 9426). ] Sanction

Institutions that refuse to receive these tickets may be credited with a penalty (fine) of the Profeco, this by the powers granted by Article 127 of the Federal Law protection to the consumer.

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