The treasures of the Hispanic Society of America arrive in Mexico


The Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts of Mexico inaugurates the exhibition Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America which has more than 200 works, among which Diego's works stand out Velázquez, Joaquín Sorolla or Francisco de Goya

The exhibition – which includes manuscripts, sculptures, paintings and decorative art pieces – will remain in Mexico until the end of the year. to 23 September.

It is expected that during these three According to a statement from the National Institute of Fine Arts (19459003) INBA about half a million people will be visited in a statement.

Among the works exhibited, note the Duchess of Alba of Goya and Portrait of a daughter of Velázquez .

As for Mexican artists, there will be paintings by José Agustín Arrieta and Nicolás Correa [1 9459004] as well as manuscripts of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and Carlos de Sigüenza and Góngora .

Also, visitors will be able to contemplate what was the first printed book in Mexico, some Mexican incunabula and the world map of Juan Vespucci nephew of Americo Vespucio .

Philippe de Montebello, chairman of the board of directors Hispanic Society of America claimed that it is an opportunity for the collection, the greatest Hispanic art outside of the world. Spain, to be seen by a larger number of people. "Presenting this exhibition to Prado Museums and Palace of Fine Arts places of great prestige, it is to promote our museums," he said [19659011] Prado Museum in Madrid the exhibition was closed with more than 485 thousand visitors during the five months during which it was exhibited.

The Hispanic Society Collection contains more than 18,000 pieces from the Paleolithic to the twentieth century and has a library of over 250,000 manuscripts and 35,000 books, of which there are 250 incunabula.

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