The Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America come to the fine arts


Beyond the idea that Archer Milton Huntington founded the Hispanic Society of America in 1904; the American poet, Hispanist and archaeologist has created a unique collection, from ancient art to modern art, commented Miguel Fernández Felix director of Palace Museum of Fine Arts Arts . He began to have contact with the art and culture of Spain when he was 12, so he designed a game based on maps or maps with pictures on the subject; At the age of 19, he arrived in Mexico accompanied by his father, and at a dinner with the President Porfirio Díaz and during this meeting, he manifested his intention to create a Hispanic museum. "

with Fernández Felix, who attended this afternoon at the interview Visions of a collector in Manhattan: the Hispanic Society of America as he tells in some of his letters and memoirs, and later, in 1892 traveled to Spain, and even though he had already traveled to London, on this occasion he concentrated on Spanish culture.

In the act, held in the mural area of the Palais des Beaux-Arts on the occasion of the exhibition Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America also participated Mitchell Codding and Philippe de Montebello current executive director and chairman of the board of directors of this American institution, which

Codding and De Montebello spoke briefly about this American collector who did not put his name to the Institution he founded as did several men, in the United States and in other parts of the world, but he imposed the head of "Hispanic Society of America"; That, the three speakers agree, is a curious fact and very rare.

With this activity, the Palace Museum of Fine Arts made a preamble at the opening of the exhibition "Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America", which will arrive in the halls of the Museum of the Palais des Beaux-Arts on June 29, to remain there until September 23 of the current year, as reported before the opening of the meeting this afternoon.

exhibition, conformed by more than 200 pieces includes manuscripts, sculptures and decorative arts, as well as masterpieces of representatives of Spanish painting, among them, Francisco de Goya Diego Velázquez Francisco de Zurbarán and Joaquín Sorolla intends to testify about the current status of the vast collection of Hispanic Society of 39, America

. reiterated that the headquarters of this ins is located in New York and was formed more than a century ago by one of the leading collectors of Hispanic art in the United States, the philanthropist Archer Milton Huntington . During the interview, it was pointed out that this project was recently exhibited at Museo del Prado in Spain .


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