The Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America inaugurated at the Beaux-Arts


More than 200 pieces, including historical documents, maps, ceramics, decorative arts, sculptures and paintings. Works of Goya, Velázquez, Murillo, Zurbarán and Sorolla

Inaugurated Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America exhibition composed of 206 works, including manuscripts, historical documents, maps, ceramics, arts decorative, sculptures; The Duchess of Alba of Goya, and Portrait of a Young Girl by Velázquez, are exhibited for the first time in Mexico.

The exhibition, which included the curatorial work of Mitchell A. Codding, is divided into six thematic areas: "The Antiquity of Spain", "Medieval Spain", "The Centuries of "Gold", "America viceregal", "End of the old regime" and "modern Spain".

Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America is a selection of a collection consisting of 750 thousand objects and a million pieces: "Between the library, the photo library and the museum. 206 pieces is given after the book that was made in 2000. I was part of the selection, with the passage of time, they added many works, "explained Mitchell A. Codding, executive director of the Hispanic Society of America

He also created the curatorial concept of Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America defined the exhibition as itinerant, as it was only last year at the Museo del Prado (Spain), and then traveled to Mexico and from today in the Palace Museum of Fine Arts, where the creations Velázquez and Goya are exhibited, as well as from El Greco Francisco de Zurbarán, Bartolome Esteban Murillo and Joaquín Sorolla.

As part of the exhibition there are also sculptures and iconic objects like Mapamundi, by Juan Vespucci, all objects in the collection created by Archer Milton Huntington, a philanthropist who is remembered for 39, having founded, in 1904, the Hispanic Society of America, in New York.

"This exhibition did not happen before because it would not have been possible without roaming, besides, the main building of the Hispanic Society is under construction because we are installing a new roof, it was necessary to remove all the work of the building, when the museum It is time to make an exhibition, "said Codding.

In total, the sample consists of 206 pieces, but throughout their journey through different countries, they have not always been the same creations:

"We added a few things especially for Mexico, some of them edited by Sor Juana and Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, and in the Prado there was a difference, because they removed works from 19th century Spanish paper. century, in order to achieve a series of 30 portraits of illustrious Spaniards of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, "added the executive director.

CONTENT. Of the 206 pieces that make up the exhibition stand out The Duchess of Alba by Goya, and Portrait of a Girl of Velázquez, creations that are exhibited for the first time in Mexico.

In the case of Portrait of a Girl of Velázquez, it is an oil on canvas, in a small format that was made between 1638 and 1642 While in the case of Duchess of Alba by Goya, is a large-scale work in which a woman is seen in a garden, the woman wears a long dress, with accessories: two rings , in one is engraved "Goya", and in the other you can read "Alba".

The exhibition route takes place in chronological order, from the ceramic assemblages of the bell culture of the late copper age, which were found after excavations to the south west of Carmona, Seville, between 1896 and 1910.

The various artistic manifestations are represented in sculptures up to texts of historical value such as Male Desires of Juan and Palafox and Mendoza; Theatro of Political Virtues and Astronomical Book, and Philosophica by Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora, and Christmas Songs Sung in Santha Cathedral, Mexico City of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz.

Mitchell A. Codding, executive director of the Hispanic Society of America, stated that after his appearance in Mexico, Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America will arrive at the Museum of 39, Albuquerque, New Mexico, which will be presented later at the Cincinnati Museum of Fine Arts.

As part of the exhibition, there will be conferences, workshops and conferences attended by experts such as Adriana López, Paula Arredondo, Salvador Rueda Smithers, Rodrigo Tirado de Salazar and Luis Javier Cuesta. In addition, on August 9, Rogelio Ruiz Gomar and Alberto Soto Cortés will present the catalog Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America .

➣ The exhibition Treasures of the Hispanic Society of America will be held until September 23 at the Palace Museum of Fine Arts.


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