The trial of 'El Chapo & # 39; Guzmán postponed to November


A New York court agreed to postpone for two months the start of the drug trial against Mexican Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, scheduled to begin on September 5th.

On July 7, Guzman's defense asked the federal court in the Brooklyn District to postpone the trial "due to the recent production of the prosecutor of more than 117 thousand records and thousands of people." other pages that need to be examined to be ready "for this process.

"With the trial scheduled to begin on September 5, it is impossible," said his lawyer Eduardo Balarezo, who claims his client's right to a "fair trial".

Extraded to Dámaso López 'The Licensed & # 39; to the EU as a potential witness against 'El Chapo'.

Today Judge Brian Cogan, who presides over the lawsuit against the so-called cartel leader of Sinaloa, against whom weigh 17 charges in which allegedly created a drug-trafficking empire, announced its decision, but only agreed to postpone the 60-day trial, said the federal court in a statement

. his decision in the "bulky" evidence that the prosecution has produced, but in turn rejected another defense motion for the prosecution to throw in the course of the trial any evidence filed after July 26 this year .

request the adjournment of the trial, this same July 7, the judge had denied to Balarezo his request of the prosecution to give him evidence that his client would not be the alleged leader of the cartel Sinaloa.

According to the prosecution against Guzmán, the said cartel allegedly sent at least 200 tons of cocaine to the United States, which would have generated nearly $ 14 billion in profits for Mexico

Sean Penn will not be cited as test or in the trial of "El Chapo";

In his decision on Monday, Cogan set the beginning of the selection of the jury of this case for Monday 5 of November, the month of beginning of the trial.

The judge said last April that he planned to call 800 to 1,000 people as potential members of the jury and that the elected officials, whose identity will be kept secret, will be protected.

L & # 3939; Balarezo's lawyer then objected to an anonymous and protected jury alleging that with these measures, the presumption of innocence of Chapo is reduced and the picture is given that he is a man dangerous.

Similarly, the magistrate said today that a new agenda would be presented separately, restoring the relevant dates of the case, caused by the 60-day time limit.

With information from Efe

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