The Trump and Putin summit will be held on July 16


Washington.- The President of the United States, Donald Trump, and that of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will meet in Helsinki on July 16. The Finnish capital will be the scene of the first major summit between these two leaders, a meeting highly desired by the tycoon and which requires months of preparation.

The details were confirmed yesterday and sealed during the visit of the White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, to Moscow. "President Trump believes that it's time to have this kind of meeting," the official said Wednesday.

The meeting should last several hours. "The two leaders will discuss relations between the United States and Russia and a series of national security issues," the White House said in a statement similar to that released simultaneously by the Kremlin.

the agenda. Trump insinuated that they could talk about Syria and Ukraine; it is likely that topics such as nuclear weapons will also be included.

This will not be the first face-to-face meeting between the two leaders, who have already met as part of major international summits, but this will be the first time that they have this type of format.

The announcement comes at a key moment, with tensions between the EU and its traditional (mostly European) allies in full alert. Russia is, in all probability, the main challenge of the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), that Trump never tires of criticizing and even threatening to give up.

In addition, the failure of a few weeks ago, the G-7 summit in Canada has widened the gap between the allies, while the US President has not abandoned his interest in nurturing good relations with Moscow. In this case, Trump proposed that Russia join this group of major economies, which was expelled in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea.

That's why Trump should not press Putin on the interference in the 2016 elections, or the potential repetition of the strategy in the legislative elections within five months. The President of the United States is still being persecuted on the subject of Russian conspiracy and the US President's environmental investigation for possible election interference.

Trump continues to believe Putin more than his intelligence agencies. "Russia continues to say that it has nothing to do with interference with our election!", The President tweeted.

The meeting in Helsinki will be the last leg of a mini-tour of Europe that will bring the US President to Brussels for the NATO Summit (11-12 July) and London ( July 13), on an official visit. There he will receive, among other things, a gigantic orange inflatable, six feet tall, with his face and the body of a baby.

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