The Trump Government delivers the list of separated migrant children


  Trump government distributes separate migrant children list

The court order states that children under 5 must return to their parents by July 10, unless an extension is granted.

The United States Government delivered to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) a list with the names of about one hundred less than five years separated on the border with Mexico due to the [politique de tolérance zéro] of the White House ] local media report today

This communication is produced in response to a recent court order which required the administration of US President, Donald Trump disclose the identities of these children before Monday, when an audience is scheduled to settle the problem of reunification with his parents .

In late June, San Diego judge Dana Sabraw ruled that children under 5 years old should return with their parents by July 10 and have determined that others will meet with their parents. families by the 26th of this month.

With an ACLU spokesperson, quoted by CNN, Saturday, the government gave the organization a list with the names of nearly a hundred and twenty-five. children expected to meet their parents on Tuesday, in case the US Justice Department began last April their controversial "zero tolerance" policy against immigration, which led the Trump government to separate of his parents about 3,000 children, a suspended measure. Mid-June for Critics Received

As reported last Friday, the White House is evaluating the possibility of asking Justice Sabraw for more time to reunite children who have been separated from their families in Mexico with Mexico

However, several media said yesterday that the magistrate did not consider the possibility of granting an extension, unless it is for the "safety" of children.

Due to the number of children they were separated from their parents, the authorities were forced to work against the clock to confirm their relationship, for which they performed hundreds of DNA tests in recent weeks .


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