The Truth Behind Titles On Foods That Cause Cancer


DRAFTING .- The amount of news about certain foods that are supposed to cause cancer or even cure it, is currently overwhelming. The Which? British information portal, specializing in food quality control, published this week an article with which it tries to refute this incorrect information from a scientific point of view.

According to the British media, processed meats increase the risk of cancer of the intestines and stomach. This is because the nitrates and nitrites that are added during treatment are carcinogenic. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that intake of only 50 grams of processed meat a day increases the risk of bowel cancer by 18%.

Another factor that influences the appearance of malignant tumors is sugar consumption. Although scientists have not established a direct link between sugar consumption and the onset of cancer, the abuse of foods with high sugar content can result in weight gain and overweight, which increases the risk of cancer.

] Similarly, the article points out that, despite numerous attempts to demonstrate the carcinogenicity of products such as pesticides, sweeteners or food additives, up to now, there is no evidence has no scientific proof that this is the case

. certain products considered beneficial for reducing the risk of cancer, such as green tea, turmeric, pomegranates, blueberries, fruits and vegetables, among others

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