The Twitter action plunges 20.54%


The shares of Twitter fell Friday from 20.54%, to 32.12 dollars per share, after the publication of its report on the second quarter

. Market value of $ 5,000 928 million

The social network reported fewer monthly active users than expected analysts and warned that the number could continue to decline as it continues to remove from false accounts.

the work that he did to clean Twitter, purge automated accounts and spam had an impact on the number of users in the second quarter and which will give priority to their fight against suspicious accounts, hate speech and other abusive content, on projects likely to attract more users.

Like its rival Facebook Twitter is under pressure from regulators in many countries to eradicate hate speech and misinformation, in addition to increasing the data protection of its users and promote Transparency in political advertising expenses.

The number of active monthly users decreased by one million in the second quarter, to 335 million, compared with the previous three months.

Analysts were expecting an increase of one million users and the results could raise concerns as to whether Twitter has a strategy for dealing with platform issues and increase its use and income.

Twitter insinuated that the drop in the third quarter could leave its user number close to 330 million. On average, analysts expect 340 million monthly active users in the third quarter, according to Thomson Reuters.

However, the sales of $ 711 million mainly derived from advertising and an increase of 24 percent over last year, surpassed the average estimate [19659012] of $ 696 million among analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters.

Twitter has announced that it has benefited from two weeks of the World Cup in the second quarter, with revenues of $ 30 million generated by notices related to the sporting event.

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