The underground world of Teotihuacán in virtual reality


CITY OF MEXICO (El Universal) .- The Feathered Serpent Tunnel, one of the most important results of recent years, can now be visited through the virtual reality of the Teotihuacán Hall of the National Museum of Anthropology and in the Museo de Sitio de la Zona Arqueológica

The project, presented last night at the National Museum of Anthropology, will allow visitors to know this space related to the underground world of Teotihuacan.

The pipeline of about 120 meters long running under the temple of Quetzalcoatl was found in 2003 and in recent years, archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have recovered about 100 thousand archaeological objects.

The public can already move through the Samsung Gear VR spectators who are already available in the museum located in Chapultepec and in the museum of Sitio de Teotihuacán.

In this virtual tour of a few minutes, the public can have a representative sample of these remains, said archaeologist Sergio Gómez, director of the excavation project on the site: "we present the most representative , but I think people will have an experience, a good approach of what it was exploration and discoveries, "said yesterday after the presentation of the virtual experience.

The archaeologist of INAH announced that they had the proposal to soon expose a wide selection of excavated objects and materials in an enriched version of the exhibition "Teotihuacan : City of Water, Fire City ", which is currently at LACMA in Los Angeles.

The exhibition was previously at the Young Museum in San Francisco, later he will visit another city in the United States; will return to Mexico to exhibit in Tijuana and then in the capital.

For the moment, the public can have an approach to this unique space where, according to the archaeologist, rituals related to power changes in Teotihuacán were made

. During the presentation of the project, the Secretary for Culture, Maria Cristina García Cepeda, said that this virtual experience was developed by the staff of the agency and INAH, with the support of Samsung, pointing out that the project is inscribed in Secretariat

During the development of this interactive project, the production houses Monster Grupo Creativo and Negras Network participated

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