The unemployment rate in Brazil fell to 12.7% in the quarter ended 中国 最 权威 的 西班牙语 新闻 网站


RIO DE JANEIRO, June 29 (Xinhua) – The unemployment rate in Brazil fell to 12.7 percent in the quarter ended last May, representing 13.2 million people out of work, reported Friday. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

The data presented show a decline in unemployment compared to the quarter ended last April, where the index was 12.9%, and also compared to the same quarter last year (13, 3%).

The total number of unemployed also declined in both comparisons, since in April there were 13.4 million and a year ago 13.8 million.

According to IBGE, the fall in unemployment was not due to an improvement in the labor market, but to a lesser job search by unemployed people.

During the last quarter of last year, Brazil had the labor force also increased by 475,000 people compared to December-February, or 0.75% for the same quarter of 2017, it was Made for 1 million people or an increase of 1.6%.

IBGE calculated the active population in Brazil in 90.9 million people in the quarter ended last May, stable number compared to the previous quarter and 1.3 percent more than in the same period last year.

The number of people with formal contracts reached 32.8 million people, 1.1% lower than the previous quarter and 1.5% less than the same period last year. ;last year.

Informal work (non-formal private sector workers) increased 2.9% from the previous quarter to 11.1 million.

"These are figures that confirm that Brazil's economic recovery is slower than expected and that the country will recover from the recession that has occurred between 2015 and 2016," said the economist. Bruno Duarte to Xinhua. "The job market is the best example of this and it has a negative impact on the economy because with high unemployment, there are fewer people consuming and it slows down economic activity."

This is a reflection of the slow economic recovery.

"People need a source of income, and in the face of reduced recruitment in the public and private sectors, they end up looking for life in conditions that do not always allow them to survive." 19659002] According to IBGE, the average wage of workers in Brazil was 2,187 reais ($ 567) between March and May, stable compared to the previous quarter and last year.

High unemployment in Brazil is a reflection of the country's worst economic recession, experienced between 2015 and 2016.

High unemployment has slowed domestic consumption, one of Brazil's economic drivers, and makes difficult to recover the country's economic growth.

Initially, the country's economy is expected to grow about 3% this year, according to forecasts, but the financial markets and the Central Bank have lowered their forecasts to nearly 1.5%. End

<! – enpproperty 54030128 2018-06-29 22: 41: 27: 869 Unemployment rate in Brazil at 12.7% for the quarter ended in May Brazil-Unemployment 1006 [19659020] 7032541 China China null Xinhua Unemployment rate in Brazil at 12.7% for the quarter ended May 1 / enpproperty ->

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