The United Kingdom doubts the safety of Huawei equipment



British senior security officials claim that they can only provide a "limited warranty" that the telecommunications equipment provided by Huawei does not constitute not a threat to national security.

The Chinese company that sells smartphones and telecommunications equipment around the world is monitored in the United Kingdom by a government monitoring group called the Huawei Cybersecurity Assessment Center.

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In an annual report released on Thursday, the panel warned that "failures in Huawei's engineering processes exposed new risks in the telecommunications networks of the United Kingdom. "

" The Observatory can only provide a limited guarantee that any risk to national security resulting from Huawei's role in the main networks United Kingdom has been adequately mitigated. "

Huawei has been under repeated polls by lawmakers and government officials in the United States who accuse him of working under the influence of the Chinese government.

Lee: Huawei exploits against US lawmakers for "closed and misinformed" . 19659003] The company has repeatedly denied that its products represent security risks, but has remained outside the US market, the company insists that it is a private company belonging to its employees.

A spokesman for Huawei said on Thursday, the company "applauds" the UK report.

"We are grateful for these comments and we are committed to solving them cough," said the spokesman in a statement. "Cybersecurity remains Huawei's top priority and we will continue to actively improve our engineering processes and risk management systems."

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The Huawei Cyber ​​Security Assessment Center was established in 2010 to mitigate the risks arising from Huawei's participation to Huawei's national security infrastructure. UK. It is chaired by Ciaran Martin, CEO of the UK National Cybersecurity Center.

A spokesman for the National Cybersecurity Center said Thursday that he was "fully engaged in surveillance devices" regarding Huawei.

and British telecom operators are working with Huawei locally and abroad to ensure that the UK can benefit from the new technology while managing the risks of cybersecurity, "said the door. Floor-.

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The National Cybersecurity Center is part of the United Kingdom Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) spying agency

. the monitoring group concluded that the risks associated with Huawei had been "adequately mitigated".

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