The United States may invade Venezuela and Maduro asks "Do not let your guard down"


The United States denied that the government of President Donald Trump had reached last year by planning an invasion of Venezuela, but acknowledged that the military option remained on the table as the only way to go. one of the many possible tools to "help the Venezuelan people". "Recover democracy".

The United States will continue to consider "all options available to them", including the military, "to help the Venezuelan people regain democracy, stability and prosperity". of the National Security Council of the White House, the body responsible for centralizing Washington's foreign, military and intelligence policy

The spokesman, who requested anonymity, reacts thus to the reports of press released Wednesday, according to which Trump raised in August 2017 to some of his key advisers the possibility of invading Venezuela.

"He inquired about the military option, humanitarian aid, sanctions, international cooperation against the Maduro regime.It was an (option) in a series of different things, "he said. The important thing, he insisted, is that the United States "has not taken any military action" for the moment in Venezuela, although they "continue to consider all the options. "


This is not a coincidence

In turn, President Nicolás Maduro called on the military to "not let down the guard," echoing reports in the US that in August 2017 his counterpart Donald Trump raised "You can not lower your guard for a second, because we will defend the greatest right that our country has in all its history (…) which is to live in peace", has said Wednesday Mr. Maduro. Promotional ceremony of generals and admirals.

The president cited information from the American press that Trump asked his advisers to invade the oil country. The proposal was made "during a meeting on sanctions" at the Maduro government, CNN said.

However, "Trump's advisers vigorously rejected the idea, as well as other Latin American leaders who reportedly told Trump that they did not want to see an American invasion."

Maduro said that these versions prove the veracity of his allegations that Washington plans to attack Venezuela to seize its vast reserves of crude oil. "Chance? It's not a coincidence," he said, indicating that Trump's question to his advisers came "after a visit by Venezuelan opponents to the White House."

"This is not a coincidence," he said. will never be an intervention of the American Empire Venezuela, never, but our armed force (…) has the responsibility to be ready to defend the national territory in any condition ", he stressed.

Russia in Trump: The plan of invasion will not work

  • Russia condemns the plans of the US government for military intervention in Venezuela and considers that the use of the force against a sovereign country is "inadmissible".
  • "We consider that it is absolutely inadmissible, first because we oppose conviction to the policy of sanctions, limitations and restrictions regarding a sovereign country," said the director of the Latin American Department He added that "the use of force" would not solve the problem, but "would further aggravate the crisis in Venezuela".
  • For his part, Diosdado Cabello, president of the ruling Constituent Assembly, announced an investigation into "treason." To the homeland "against opponents who" call a military intervention "

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