The VAR did not make its debut in Russia; it was in Germany in 2006; 12 years after Zidane's head at Materazzi


The Argentine whistle Horacio Elizondo, in charge of this grand finale, had not noticed the play and after a few minutes decided to expel the French leader

Mexico City –

Although Russia 2018 made history of the use of VAR (Video Assistant Referee) for the first time in a World Cup, this system of support to the arbitration would have made its debut ] World Cup Germany 2006 in the most decisive movement of this contest: Zidane at the head of Materazzi .

Exactly 12 years ago just on July 9, 2006, was played the Grand Final World Cup between France and Italy the score within 90 minutes was 1-1 and had just been goals from Zidane at minute 7 with an outstanding penalty, and Materazzi at 19 ';

However, when the extra time was played, both players began to make words, an act that culminated with a Zinedine Zidane's head on the chest of Marco Materazzi and that triggered the controversy at the 110th minute of this game.

The Argentine Whistle Horacio Elizondo in charge of this Grand Final, had not noticed the piece and after a few minutes has decided to expel the French leader, only was after relying on the television broadcast on the screens of the Olympiastadion Berlin and the suggestion of his assistant 2, the Argentinean also Rodolfo Otero.

Zizou went to the locker room and left his team with the big load, obviously weighed them and they fell in the penalty shoot-out against Italy selection that lifted his fourth World Cup

And although years later e the trigger of Zidane was an insult to his sister by Materazzi, 2006 Germany will remain as the antecedent clearer than what would happen in Russia 2018, where the VAR was decisive so that football shows its fairer side.

-Zidane: "If you want so much my shirt, I'll give it to you later"
-Materazzi: "I prefer the fa … of your sister"

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