The VAR was used 335 times in the group stage of the World Cup, revealed FIFA


95% of arbitration decisions were correct, but with the use of VAR, it increased to 99.3% the accuracy of arbitration.

Moscow (AFP) –

A total of 335 shares were the subject of an audit by the assistance team video refereeing ( VAR ) Group Stage of the 2018 World Cup, announced on Friday FIFA who explained that there was a percentage of 99.3% of good decisions thanks to their help, against 95%

During the first 48 matches of the World Cup "all goals (122 of the first phase) as well as a good number of situations were checked, and in total there was an average of 6.9 videos per game, on average, "says FIFA referee Pierluigi Collina . "And out of these 335 checks, 17 led to an examination through the VAR " he said.

"In 14 of these cases, the referee moved to the edge of the playing field, while the remaining three actions were conducted directly by the referee – VAR located in the VAR room in Moscow, "said Collina.The last three games he referred to were" an offside, an incident in the greater area and an error in the identification of ". a player. "

In summary, of the 335 incidents analyzed, 95% the arbitration decisions were correct, but with the addition of the success of the 14 amendments mentioned after the use of the VAR, the rate of Arbitration rises to 99.3%, [FIFA [19459].

The average duration of use of VAR in matches was 80 seconds, in the first World Cup that applies this technology that avoids controversy.

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