The victims of 19S block Insurgentes and Xola in the demand for certainty


Members of the Damnificados Unidos collective of Benito Juárez, Coyoacán and Cuauhtemoc, supported by those affected by the 19 September earthquake of other delegations, blocked the tracks of Insurgentes Avenue, corner with Xola, in demand for integration into the Public Trust One hundred percent

More information A hundred people affected have closed the tracks, with the threat of staying for as long as necessary, to protest what they describe as a "mockery of the capital authorities who, in the opinion of the victims, have desisted to rehabilitate their property. "

They explained that the head of government, José Ramón Amieva, and the Commissioner for Reconstruction of Mexico City, Edgar Tungüí, agreed to integrate them into this trust, after eleven hours of negotiations, and now, according to them, they refuse them this advantage.

Monica Rom However, one of the spokespersons of the collective, affected by the delegation of Benito Juárez, said that after a verbal agreement with Amieva and Tungüí they stated that the commitment would be signed, but that they withdrew there was no such document

. they deny this right and agree, alluding that they do not have the complete documentation and the various requirements that the capital government would have delayed since their property suffered.

He stressed that the requirement is that they allocate public resources to the funds lost for the rehabilitation of 50 earthquake-affected properties, and maintained that 60 percent are women, most older people, so that they're a vulnerable group.

He pointed out that the neighbors of Iztapalapa, Iztacalco and Gustavo A. Madero, because they have not found a solution to their requests for support for the rehabilitation of their buildings, despite the fact that the head of the local government and Edgar Tungüí accepted.

He regretted that the previous Friday, they were summoned by the authorities of the Ministry of Government and Finance of the capital to solve the problem, but no first-class official was presented. stay in these offices which left until 4:00 on Saturday

The above, following a new commitment by Commissioner Edgar Tungüí to solve their problems on June 25; However, they arrived that day with the official and did not receive them, so they decided this Friday to close Insurgentes with the threat of staying as long as necessary until they get a Satisfactory solution at their request

This Saturday, the victims have maintained the blockade at Insurgentes, reported the Traffic Information Center of the Secretariat of Public Security of Mexico City.

In his Twitter account, @ OVIALCDMX, the unit warned against the road blockade and recommended circulating along Norte del Norte Avenue.

The unit indicated that the victims will remain indefinitely in the central corridors, from the to the center, and only the Metrobús way is open

Leaving at the hour and setting up your route with Waze
[19659015] You may also read: Victims of Multifamily Tlalpan denounce assaults and threats

Based on information from Notimex



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