The vote of artists and intellectuals


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As the end of a long, dark night and also as the day when you can begin to realize the desire that after this historic trip a change for Mexico is coming. These are the first impressions of the writers Elena Poniatowska and Paco Ignacio Taibo II, after voting in the early hours of yesterday, where they reiterated their full support for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidential candidate of Mexico for the Juntos Coalition Haremos History

Taibo II left his house before 7 am to go to the place where he was going to vote but he would also take the vote for the National Movement for Regeneration (Brunette). Accompanied by his wife, the cultural promoter Paloma Saiz arrives at box 4565 installed in a private school in the heart of the Countess.

The writer Elena Poniatowska leaves her house after 10 am and is surrounded by her family, He walked to the square of Chimalistac district, where he voted in favor of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. "I voted for a man in whom I believe and with whom I have been for 16 years, since I was head of the city, I am very excited that he wins and that I" there is a change, "said the narrator and journalist.

He said that one of the reasons he supports López Obrador's project is "the integration of Mexicans who do not have privileges, who fail to go from there." Before, those who are suffering from hunger. "However, he said that he accompanied AMLO to Estadio Azteca, asked him to do a show and not a mere closing and include pop stars like Belinda and not people who have always followed her, such as actress Jesusa Rodríguez

] Taibo II, the narrator and coordinator of the cultural platform of Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate of the coalition together we will make history to the head of the government of Mexico City, said: "I am very afraid of the national cheater of the PRI and the local trapichuelas of the PRD.We will go little by little to see when the complaints appear, but there is a fraudulent item out there, I hope that the expectation of an overflow of the fraud is not significant, it is enough. Hopefully, we will end a long night of priistopaniata that has led this country to disaster. "

While Poniatowska voted, he accompanied his children Felipe and Paula Haro, and their grandchildren Pablo and Inés Haro, as well as dear Martina García Ramírez, who accompanied her all day at home; the same time in the Countess Paco Ignacio Taibo II towards the clean, and in social networks the election day also began intense.

Many messages began to circulate early the call to the vote and many photos have began to be lifted after the vote The historian Enrique Krauze wrote on Twitter: "Today will be a historic day for democracy. Remember to preserve its complement: freedom. "

Writer Ana Clavel, in the same social network said:" Let's hope that the fear, prejudices and privileges of the group or class do not scare us. Today the vote, tomorrow to build or refound this reality on the verge of collapse and despair. Hope that life will reach us to deserve it and enjoy it with peace and dignity. "

Writer Monica Lavín wrote:" Today, we are voting and celebrating the course worthy of this country. @diegoluna _ ".

Also cultural places closed their doors to the public to open spaces such as the Vasconcelos Library, the Library of Mexico, as well as the Ferrocarrilero Museum and the Tlahuác Lighthouse. others delayed their opening hours to allow voting, such as the Estanquillo Museum.

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