"The weather girl" denies her former partner


Yanet García"The girl of time", he defended himself from accusations of his ex-partner Douglas Martín, who assured that the young woman demanded a profit for some videos published on the network.

According to player, his three-year relationship with driver of the program "Today" concluded because the young woman appears in several of her videos and asked for the benefits for that reason.

"Now, I do not know who I loved, I believe in justice and bravery, and that's why I point out lies that I do not have the intention of lend, let alone if it is to achieve an economic goal "

After these statements Yanet García, through a statement, presented his version, about alleged details that would have occurred during the life together.

He explained that from an early age, "like many women, I fought for economic independence and does not depend on anyone in any way, I fight every day for my dreams and I work every day to achieve professional and personal stability ".

"I feel privileged because, thanks to my constant efforts in Monterrey, New LionI was building a race hoping to pay off in the long run. "

"Today, I am grateful for all the opportunities that life has given me and that I have happily taken at the precise moment because they have made me a better and more professional person".

He mentioned that He ended his accounting career because he knew that it was necessary to study to support him in case his main plan would not work.

"Despite everything, I decided to fight to realize my dreams and launch my first business: the opening of my Yanet Garcia Academy of Models, which happily turned into a profitable project".

"Years later, I decided to take the risk of taking a position in the climate sector at Televisa Monterrey," he added.

He explained that without being aware at that time of social networks he became a viral figure leading to the name of "The climate girl", in Mexico, and internationally "La Mexicana del clima".

He pointed out that he had had proposals for contracts that he did not expect, magazine covers, interviews in international media, international projects such as Sharknado and European cinema in Bellezonismo, which He has taken and represented his source of income for all these years.

He mentioned that he knew love in all its glory and that he had stayed. "Those who know me know that I am a dedicated, hard-working and persevering person."

"Now, I do not know who I loved, I believe in justice and courage, and that's why I point out lies that I do not intend to lend, let alone if it is to achieve an economic goal because my former partner decided to change their love unconditionally for money, or as they call it in digital platforms, monetization ".

"Suddenly, I am exposed to situations that do not correspond to me and, instead of making public things that should remain private, I prefer to fight to infect them with joy and give them a smile"he commented.

"I will never regret being kind and dedicated in all the situations I live in. I am convinced that love is the maximum driving force of a human being and must always be experienced with the world." Hope that it will be eternal. " Today, I feel calm and without rights to anyone. , more than the responsibility to believe that I am a good figure and that he does not like surrounding himself with toxic people ", he declared.

He explained that he is aware that it is an entertainment and that things are not taken to heart. "I hope your days are blessed, united women are strong, courageous and determined," he said in a statement.


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