The widow of Luis Miguel Director confirms that Interpol has sought Marcela | who


Hugo López director of Luis Miguel from 1988 to 1993, was the one who proposed to appeal to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to find where Marcela Basteri.

Lucía Miranda widow of Hugo López, told us exclusively from Buenos Aires that the international organization has carried out an exhaustive search on several continents … without a positive result. "They have been looking for their mother for Interpol in Europe, America and in different countries and nothing has ever been heard." It was searched intensely, but there was no case, and the body was not found or something like that, "he told us.

According to Lucia's account, Hugo and Luis Miguel began working together two years after Marcela's disappearance and his It was decided to ask for support from Interpol it was because of the pain that Micky caused the absence of Basteri.

In this touching conversation, the old model Argentinean also told us about Luis Miguel of the late 80s, shy and reserved boy, worried about his brothers, especially Sergio, who despite his family and economic situation, he relied on Hugo Lopez to create his alter ego the one who became a superstar named Luis Miguel

Have you seen the series of Luis Miguel
Yes, of course.And until now, until chapter 10, which is the last one that I saw, I found the story awesome because that until now everything is real. There is nothing I can tell you that has changed. Until chapter 10, thereafter I do not know why I did not see it but I know all of that and it's real and I know it was done under Luis' supervision Miguel. Many books have been made that really do not tell the truth.

The way Hugo is shown is similar to what he was with Luis Miguel?

Yes Physically, the actor César Bordón is not similar, but the attitude is. They show him what Hugo looked like: Hugo was a very paternal person who, when he started to take care of Luis Miguel, became like a second father, because he relied heavily on Hugo and Hugo was always a person to advise. He was a person with a low profile. There are very few pictures of him because he did not like going out in photo, always, when there was a picture with Luis Miguel, he said "No, no, I do not do not know. The photos taken were by chance because he never really liked to appear. In this sense, everything that is Hugo's attitude and personality is very well reflected in the story.

Have you been in contact with Luis Miguel since the release of the series?
I have not been in touch because he has traveled. He is in the United States now, but I have not been with him right now, but I have talked with his brother because in Argentina they want to take notes. I spoke to Alejandro and he told me that everything is in the series. That they are not going to give any type of interview because what they want to know about Luis Miguel, everything is reflected in the series. So, they will not give notes.

But do you agree with what comes out of the series?
Yes, because he's supervised everything. It was he who oversaw the series. He said what he said.

Hugo was the father figure of Luis Miguel. How was his relationship beyond work?
Hugo advised him a lot because he was 18, he came from a great disappointment and he paid attention to Hugo. I think Hugo has listened a lot and it can be said that it was a very paternal relationship. They loved each other very much; We even spent a lot of joys and sorrows. Joys like when we went to Las Vegas for the first time and saw the marquee that said "Luis Miguel", to see the joy of this contract that was made with the Palace Cesar, where he was for so many years. 39; years. And the sadness when Hugo was sick and Micky came to visit him at the hospital. I remember one day that Hugo was doing better and I said to him: "You'll see what we're going to do, we'll record this album and we'll do an international tour," and Micky the was watching and his tears were running because Hugo was already very bad. There was a lot of affection and a lot of love in between.

Do you think Hugo marked Luis Miguel and that Luis Miguel has traits of him?
I think Hugo talked to him a lot. That Luis Miguel does not speak to the press that everyone criticizes, it was a bit of an idea between Micky and Hugo to create this mystery, which has never been seen and, in addition, that also helped Luis Miguel to be very introverted. It's a boy who, I remember at the time, was very shy and the only thing that changed him and I think he's constantly changing it It is when he goes on stage and it is there that he transforms and gives everything. That's his way to escape.

Is it true that when Hugo begins to represent him, Luis Miguel owes $ 20 million to the Treasury?
I know that when it happens, in the beginning, so as not to have problems with his father, Hugo tells him: "I will manage the artistic part and your father will continue to manage the administrative part", because he did not want to have any problems with the father. But what happened: they started to work and all of a sudden the money started to disappear, some things were not paid for and that is where Hugo discovers that there is a problem that the money is due to the Treasury. The truth, what is said in the series. I could not tell you the amount, but what the show shows is real. That he owed money, that later Hugo helped fix everything (that was true).

How serious was Luis Miguel's economic situation in 1988?
With his father, he worked from a very young age and earned a lot of money. I know that he had a problem, but then they started working and Hugo said, "Do not worry, let's start from scratch and you'll see what we're going to do. Do not worry about money anymore, now we start again. They recorded the first Romance, the (disc) boleros, and they met with Armando Manzanero and with this album it was impressive where it was reached, it was boom and that is where he starts traveling everywhere, on tours, earning gold, platinum, with prizes and everything.

How was he behind the scenes?
He was very introverted, affectionate, warm, an educated boy, with beautiful values. How to tell you? nice things about him.

How do you remember when they were neighbors in Acapulco?

It was a beautiful time because we lived very close. I always have my home in Acapulco and he has been home to a great friend of mine. He was coming home suddenly, if there were people, he was very introverted, but it was a beautiful moment. Then he bought another house near the sea, but he sold the houses, now he has no house in Acapulco.

What do you expect from the breakup between the younger brother, Sergio, and Luis Miguel?
With Alejandro he had several fights, but with Alejandro the relationship is very good, they are together. And with the youngest brother, the only thing I can tell you is this: when the mother disappears, she stays with the grandmother. Then, as the grandmother was very old, she stays with the uncles, Luis Rey's brother. And it is there that, with Hugo, he (Luis Miguel) asks his little brother and asks his uncles to give it to him. They did not want to give it to him. In the end, they will look for him and when they come to Mexico, Hugo says, "This guy can not be here between tours and parties. The boy has to study. And it's there that he goes to Boston with El Doc . And he makes his whole career there, Luis Miguel pays him all studies, as he paid his other brother. He takes care of everything, even if the guys criticize and everything, I know very well the money he sent, because a lot of things are said, and a lot of things are not true . He has always dealt with the monetary part . Well, with his brother after I do not know what happened, I know that maybe they were banned, I know that his brother is in Spain.

Are you currently in Spain?
Yes … I do not know. Very personal matters, he is very private in his personal role. I'm even surprised that he has told such strong things about his father, but it's a kind, I think, maybe, of catharsis. If someone is going to ask you a question, he will never answer, maybe that way, all he'll have to say will come out. It's your life.

What do you think of the theory that he is the son of "Negro" Durazo?
No! This is not true. I do not think about it because it is not true.

Have you met Marcela?
No, because Marcela disappeared in 86. I know that she was a woman who loved her children, she wanted to be with Luis Miguel and her children, she was very madraza, but she was passing what s & # 39; 39 is passed. We all wait for it to appear, although nothing is known about it.

Did Hugo know her?
I do not know The truth is that we never talked about the mother because when she was with him it was a research topic, but I guess one day she should have known her when she brought Luis Miguel in Argentina, that he saw it, but I do not think he did it because Luisito Rey did not let her get involved or that she was in the shows.

His absence affected him all his life …
I think so, that is the great suffering of Luis Miguel. He would give what he does not have to see to his mother, to find her mother. It is the big pain, it is a very delicate subject, who does not like talking much. How sad to have everything, because she has it all: celebrity, beauty, a spectacular voice, every day better, she is fine, with a tone of voice like we have never sung but we always miss something. And in this case not to find his mother.

How did the idea of ​​contacting Interpol to find Marcela sprout?
As she had disappeared in Spain and we did not know, according to the father (Luisito Rey) that she left for Chile and they never knew anything else, because the last one who spoke with her was his father (Sergio Basteri). Hugo said: we will exhaust all means to find it, but it has not been found.

So it was Interpol, it was not the Mossad, how's it going in the series?
I do not know how to say. I remember Interpol. But maybe it's possible that they've been looking elsewhere. I can not guarantee it.

Is the case closed or is it still open?
I can not say it either. I do not know what he's done during those years, those topics that he does not talk about or that he will not tell anyone. Maybe in the series it comes out.

What role did Miguel Aldana play in the investigation? What I can say is that they looked for it in heaven and earth in Europe, America and that Hugo was aware of this problem. Several years ago that.

One of the theories is that Marcela is dead drowned in a pool of "Negro" Durazo …
I do not know. They say a lot of things. But I can not talk to you about such a delicate subject. I would never talk about a subject as delicate and less of me. I would never speak or say anything that could hurt Luis Miguel, because I like him as he belonged to my family. They say a lot, but I can not really say it. The only thing I tell you is that he had a lot of friends, that many have also disappointed him. But his best friend is the one who is Miguel Aleman, who is with him, who supports him and who is a good person, whom I enjoyed very much and whom I love very much.

How did I support it then?
At that time, they were younger. They went out with girls, they went to parties, they were their friends. Over the years and now, right now, Miguel Alemán continues with him, is his best friend and supports him in everything.

What impression do you have of Luis Miguel as a son?
He was a good son with his loving mother. What is happening is that he had to live as a child, he did not have any childhood. Everything was singing well, making visits. He had no childhood, but he was still very affectionate, he had good feelings. He was a good son, of course.

And your relationship Alex?
They are fine. I spoke last week with Alex. They are united, had a little time to fight, brothers things, but then they arranged. Which brother did not fight with his other brother. They hang out, they go to shows, they're fine.

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