The winners of the 2018 National Arts and Literature Award are announced


Enchanted Dulcinea is a novel by Muñiz-Huberman. Photo: From

Enchanted Dulcinea is a novel by Muñiz-Huberman. Photo: From


Yesterday the winners were announced 2018 National Arts and Literature Award"Maximum recognition by the Mexican Government of artists and creators who, through their productions, teaching, research or dissemination, have contributed to enriching the country's cultural heritage in the following areas: Linguistics and literature; Fine arts; History, social sciences and philosophy, and popular arts and traditions"

In a press release issued by the Government of the Republic, through the Federal Ministry of Culture, it was reported that, in the field of linguistics and literature, "the career of Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, recognized for her research, is distinguished in medieval Spanish literature, neo-historical novel, studies of Sephardic mysticism in Mexican literature and creation of the genre of pseudomorphs ".

The work of who received in 1985 the prize Xavier Villaurrutia by Enclosed garden, closed orchard It has been translated into several languages, it has also been distinguished by the International Prize of the novel Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and has been repeatedly recognized by the national system of creators of art Fonca.

In the field of the fine arts, he is recognized Rossana Filomarino"One of the strongest figures of contemporary dance in the country, he has an uninterrupted dance career of 50 years, coach of several generations of dancers, creator of more than 70 pieces represented in Mexico and abroad. "

The 73-year-old choreographer and exbailarina has received the Medal of Fine Arts for artistic merit and the José Limón National Dance Award. He dedicated his life to creating, teaching and struggling to transform reality through art.

In the field of history, social sciences and philosophy, the prize has been awarded to Salomon Nahmad and Sitton, "Who collaborated with Dr. Erich Fromm in research on the psychology of the Mexican mother".

According to his professional record, he has conducted outstanding research with various ethnic groups in Mexico, which has led him to create ethnic research centers and to create the research and development center unit. graduate studies in social anthropology. He was Vice President of the College of Ethnologists and Social Anthropologists of Mexico, Founder of the Mexican Academy of Human Rights and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mexico. Inter-American Institute of the Indies.

In the field of arts and popular traditions 2018, a distinction Leonor Farldow Espinoza "For his social, political, research and cultural management work that has helped preserve and disseminate the traditions of the Kiliwa people in Baja California, their ancestral knowledge handed down from generation to generation has been fundamental in identifying many species of the flora and fauna of their region, used in medicinal, culinary and craft traditions ".

The Prize Council is composed of Maria Cristina García CepedaSecretary of Culture; Enrique Graue, rector of UNAM; Eduardo Peñalosa, Rector General of UAM; Mario Alberto Rodríguez, head of the IPN; Jaime Valls, executive secretary general of ANUIES; and Adolfo Martínez Palomo, representative of Colegio Nacional, among others.

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