The woman confused her eight-month-old pregnancy with digestive problems


In an unusual case, a British discovered only four weeks before giving birth that she was pregnant

After said The Sun the chief of 33 years Sita Meena Arulampalam was shocked because thought that the swelling of her stomach was only intolerance to gluten .

"I could not believe it, nausea, no symptoms," she confessed, even saying that she was sometimes bleeding thinking that everything was normal.

Meena says she took contraceptive pills for 10 years so she never suspected her pregnancy.

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When the concerned doctor because he was feeling swelling, the specialist told him that there could be digestive problems and the Lactose intolerance.

But on the recommendation of a friend an emb to test was taken he scratched and tested positive: just on the birthday of his partner . "Tony thought it was a joke, but rejoices," he said

When his son Bobbi was born healthy could not contain the emotion … "Tony and I have started crying imagined four weeks ago existed "[19659002]" People tell me "you must have known, how did you not notice? "But the truth is that I do not know, I always try to understand," said the mother.

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