The woman does not lose weight, goes to the hospital and finds a tumor of 23 kilograms


  The woman did not lose weight, went to the hospital and found a 23-kilogram tumor

The woman's pains were so intense that she ended up in the emergency room (Photo: Jackson Hospital)

MEXICO CITY. 19659004] A woman from Alabama Washington, could not lose weight, so she went to the hospital to find out what was wrong at her home. The woman's surprise was that she had to undergo emergency surgery because she had a massive tumor on one of her ovaries, according to the portal. Live Science.

Kayla Rahn 30 years old, had been experiencing stomach pain and weight gain in recent months, and I even had problems with daily activities, such as walking , according to WSFA

I could not even walk to my car without losing my breath. Rahn at WSFA .

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At first, doctors believed that she only needed to lose weight, but she was only gaining weight.

The woman's pains were so intense that she ended up in the emergency room, where the doctors identified the problem: a mass of 23 kilos in one of her ovaries . Kayla Rahn ten A type of benign tumor, which comes from the tissue that forms the outer layer of the ovary, called epithelium, according to a 2010 report from a similar case in Saudi Arabia. The mucinous cystadenoma tumors account for about 15 percent of all ovarian tumors, as reported by Live Science.

With information from Live Science

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