The woman escapes unexpectedly. Her ex-partner tried to kill her


Argentina.- A woman decided to make an unexpected escape, fleeing through the roof of his house, in front of the fearsome death threat from his ex-partner.

The events occurred in the afternoon of this Thursday, when the woman Decima was at his home in the Siglo XXI district of Santiago del Estero.

It all started when the 41-year-old man, surnamed Sanchez, learned that the woman had incurred a debt. As published by Chronicle.

His ex-partner no longer tolerated the situation and took a knife with which he began to threaten. Illustrative picture. Photo: Pixabay

Then, the woman played a scene of jealousy for what the subject was saying: "I am going to lock you up in this house, so stop making a cag … all the holy day, daughter of p …".

His ex-partner no longer tolerated the situation and took a knife with which he began to threaten the victim with death.

Fearing that the worst would happen, the woman had to flee through the roof of her house to save herself from an almost certain death.

The victim suffered minor injuries and filed his complaint at the headquarters of the fifth district for minors and women.

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