The woman holding the wall key between Mexico and the United States


Unidentified by Mexican or United States . Eloísa Tamez is Apache Lipan and his ancestors owned this land a century before a war imposed the border between Texas and Mexico City . 19659002] Now her backyard is traversed by a border wall that she feels like a "rape".

The bottom of his house, in the border town of El Calaboz southeast of Texas it is a vacant lot divided in the middle by a rusted iron fence 5.5 meters high

Since it was not possible to erect a wall in the middle of the Rio Grande delimiting the natural border with Mexico federal authorities erected it a few kilometers north of the shoreline.

some of the lands through which the wall passes – and will pass, if they continue to be built owned by indigenous tribes or by private farmers

C is what happened almost ten years ago to Támez, professor of nursing at the University of Texas in the Rio Grande Valley and activist of tribal rights apache lipan "It is very sad to see what happened to my property, which was valued by my parents not for the money, but for what the land produced for us, because my father was a farmer ", told AFP the 83-year-old woman

" They raped her, "he added. "It makes me very sad to see this happen and I'm glad my parents did not see it."

The federal authorities gave him a key to open the door which allows him to access the other side of his ancestral land: 1.2 hectare of desert dotted with cactus and mesquites

This is what remains of the five hectares that belonged to their ancestors Lipan Apaches of eighteenth century Through a grant of land from the Spanish Crown,

In 2009, after losing a federal government lawsuit, Támez was "forced" to receive $ 56,000 compensation, which she donated nursing scholarships on behalf of

Other farmers, whose lands were entirely south of the wall, also received codes of access to their properties.

But most cases were settled by federal government credits for values ​​paid $ 12,600, according to a survey of the public radio NPR, after analyzing 320 "fencing cases" filed between 2008 and 2016 in the region of the Rio Grande Valley some of which are still

Situations like this one can multiply if Trump succeeds in his project to wall the whole border, of which a third is already closed thanks to a law of President George W. Bush

Two-thirds of immigrants held across the border (out of a total of 303,916 last year across the country) are captured in Texas, according to the numbers of the Border Patrol.

that has attracted national and international attention over the past two months has had its epicenter in this state, especially in the Rio Grande Valley region, where Támez lives.

It is located the largest center of and the undocumented and seekers (nicknamed "Ursula", with more than a thousand detainees) and the "Casa Padre" juvenile shelter, a Walmart pharmacy that houses approximately 1,400 children.

] Since May, more than 2,300 children have been separated from their parents or guardians when they were arrested when they crossed the border illegally or requested asylum following the policy of "zero tolerance" President Donald Trump .

While Trump ordered June 20 to end the family separation, more than 2,000 children remain alone in "treatment centers" and shelters.

Támez, "The current migration crisis is the result of Congress's inability to enforce laws for decades."

An Immigration Reform Project which included the proposal of the president to build a wall that design the 3 thousand 218 km border, and that would cost $ 25 billion, failed last Wednesday in Congress.

"The loss of our land to build a wall is a part of the migration crisis, and not the solution," said Tamez. "Congress has not been able to govern as it should, but rather to make politics."

"This is not the first time that they violate our rights by removing our lands," continued the indigenous activist, evoking an appropriation. in 1936.

And if the Trump project succeeds, it will not be the last either.


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