Finally, as the company had announced, the Xiaomi Mi Max 3 was introduced, which among the leaks and details revealed by the chairman of Xiaomi at Weibo was known almost completely. The essence is the same as in previous models: giant screen with a stratospheric battery which, accompanied by an efficient processor, is able to withstand the more intensive multimedia use and games that can be done # 39; adapt.

The screen of 6, 9 inches with a ratio of 18: 9 and a resolution Full HD + is the most noticeable advance compared to the previous model because not only it it elongates, but it eliminates the frames and offers a lot more content in the same space as the Mi Max. 2. The big disadvantage compared to smaller models is the pixel density, which remains at 350 pixels per inch . The consolation is that because the terminal is so big, it is likely to be held further.

The other great differentiating element of the Xiaomi Mi Max 3 is the battery, which will reach 5500 mAh . By maintaining the resolution in 1080p (the LCDs are undergoing a lot of energy by mounting in resolution) and including the processor that they chose, we are talking about a battery that probably leaves no one unsatisfied. In one hour, the Mi Max 3 reaches 71% of its load something indispensable, because without fast loading, we would talk for more than three hours.

The feed will be the Snapdragon 636 which, as we know, has much more than Snapdragon 660 than 630, which exceeds the performance by 40% by providing proper treatment for machine learning with its built-in DSP . Thus, the Xiaomi Mi Max 3 is a device ready for any artificial intelligence mode that reaches the market. As expected, there is no missing port, USB-C and Bluetooth 5.0 in the terminal.

In the cameras, the Xiaomi Mi Max 3 does not separate from the average of its little brothers, this is not low because it will offer dual camera with 12 MP + 5 MP, but with "large" sensor which allows it to reach 1.4 micrometer pixels. The aperture reaches f / 1.9. The front chamber is a priori more normal, with 8 MP, 1.12 micrometer and an aperture f / 2.0. When there is no double camera or other type of sensor there is no 3D facial recognition as we saw in the Mi 8, but recognition normal face.

Xiaomi Mi Max 3, price and availability

Xiaomi has announced prices but not European availability, although that may change soon in the Madrid event on July 24, where it has already been confirmed that the new [XiaomiMiA2etA2Lite(https://hipertextualcom/2018/07/xiaomi-mi-a2-lite)

At the present time, the 4GB / 64GB variant reaches 1,699 yuan ( 216 euros ) and that of 6 GB / 128 GB for 1999 (251 euros). As we can see, the prices are similar to those of the first model, which officially arrived in Spain for 279 € for the model 4GB / 64GB.