The Yarrington trial is postponed until 2019


TEXAS, United States.- A federal court in Brownsville, Texas postponed until April 2019 the lawsuit against former Tamaulipas governor, Tomás Yarrington , which faces 11 criminal charges for organized crime, money laundering and various forms of bank fraud, among others.

It should be recalled that the judge in charge of the case of the former governor had fixed on October 3 of this year to the selection of jurors, moved to 2019. In the meantime the final motions of the parties and the discovery of the evidence must be made during the month of November, reported Politico Mx.

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Hilda G. Tagle, District Court Judge for South Texas, changed this week, for the second time, the date of the trial against Yarrington Ruvalcaba, who classified as "complex" the case, at the request of the prosecution and the defense.

According to the newspaper, it is likely that the Office of the Prosecutor and the defense will try to negotiate a plea agreement so that the situation does not reach a trial, a common practice in the criminal justice system It is also noteworthy that the The case's classification as "complex" is due to the fact that the Office of the Prosecutor argued that there are at least 15,000 digital documents, of more than 100 pages, that are due for review by the defense. As well as graphic material, items obtained during the execution of search warrants and agency reports such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the agency's fight against Narcotic Drugs (DEA) and the Department of Internal Security.

Attorney Ryan K. Patrick recalled that he is asked to seize Tomás Yarrington 200 million dollars also that "it is expected that the testimony of many people, some residents in others country, will be necessary and it is estimated that the trial will take four weeks of the duration. "

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