The Yucatan is the entity where more cases of influenza are reported so far this year


Merida, Yuc.- The s severe cases of influenza AH1N1 continue to reach hospitals of the state, while the report issued by the General Directorate of The Epidemiology of The Yucatan Ministry of Health (SSY) points out that in the entity there are 40 positive cases of influenza without death.

For its part, the SSY reported that up to now 45 cases of influenza and one death associated with the disease

The report of the SSY is with the court on July 3 and the federal level, July 6.

the position of the Ministry of Health on the current situation of the disease, since, as we reported yesterday, at least six deaths were reported in severe cases of AH1N1 influenza in nosocomial hospitals of Yucatan .

However, until the end of the edition, there was no report from the health authority of the entity.

During a visit to O Hospital Horán and Hospital "Benito Juárez" of the IMSS it was possible to observe persons in ] emergency areas waiting to be cured and he was informed of the hospitalization of other people with severe signs of the disease, which at the time of admission would be intubated because of respiratory failure.

Given the aggressiveness of the AH1N1 virus During these weeks, Professor of Public Health David Canché Durán told MILENIO NOVEDADES that viruses as living entities are protein particles and therefore, their structure changes.

"It's when we say that the virus has mutated. This happens for every person to whom it is transmitted, so vaccines change every year and the treatment stops being effective because the virus no longer respects it, "said the specialist.

Regarding the influenza vaccine, the pediatric surgeon mentioned that those who applied it during the disease season are partially protected against virus mutation, however, immunity is less than 70 percent provided by the vaccine between two and four weeks after application

He said that adults over 65 should receive influenza vaccine; people whose immune systems are compromised by diseases such as HIV / AIDS; with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, diseases of the liver, heart or people with asthma.

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