Theft of insured cars reaches its historical peak


Between July 2017 and June of this year, the theft of 92 thousand 546 insured automobiles which accounted for economic losses of 14 thousand 807 million pesos was reported, reported the 39, Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS).

This figure is a new maximum historic insured car theft said the general manager of FRIENDS Recaredo Arias Jiménez, who pointed out that, because of the rebound of this crime in the last years during the six-year period 434 thousand 562 cars were stolen, 31 percent more than in the previous administration.

At a press conference, he notes that if the trend towards the front continues the year would be closed with a maximum of 96 to 97,000 insured units stolen and in March 2019 the peak of 100 would be reached. thousand units.

"We are facing the highest numbers at the historical level," said the executive, who said that at the end of June 2018, the sum of insured car theft has shown growth 13.3 percent.

The executive explained that insurers concentrate 45% of the total car theft in Mexico; At present, there are in the country a total of 200 thousand complaints for car theft.

The entities with the most car thefts are: State of Mexico with 26,664 units; Mexico with 10,586; Jalisco with 11 thousand 734; Veracruz with 4 thousand 517; Sinaloa with 3 thousand 118; and Nuevo León with 2 thousand 632 flights.

The executive pointed out that the violent robbery decreased slightly from 64% to 63% in a year, when the states of Guerrero, Sinaloa, State of Mexico, Puebla and Tamaulipas concentrate the more units stolen violently in the country.

On the contrary, in the last 12 months ending last June, 33,000,989 cars were recovered, representing 37% of all stolen cars; During the six-year period, only 185,781 insured vehicles were recovered.

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