Then Belinda celebrated the victory of AMLO



A Ed. Manuel López Obrador is the undisputed winner. AMLO will be the next president of Mexico. That is why many celebrities have praised it for its networks, but – and without offending anyone – one of the most anticipated reactions was that of the singer, actress, creative and creative woman. business, Belinda who wrote on Twitter:

WE ARE GONE! Won a country that will finally have a change !! Congratulations @lopezobrador_ for this great triumph, not to give up, now we must all work, together we will make history to rebuild the country and have the Mexico we all deserve! #AMLO "

Beside the text, a picture of AMLO and she at the closing of the campaign of the president elected to the Azteca last Wednesday, June 27.

In minutes, the tweet has made more than 5,000 retweets and 18 thousand likes, counting

There is no doubt Belinda dominates and knows that her famous phrase, "win as always", now takes on another meaning.


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