There are 20 thousand pots floating in space


The European Space Agency (ESA) counted at the end of 2017, 19 thousand 894 space debris objects orbiting the Earth, whose mass is of at least 8 135 tons, "more than all the metal structure of the Eiffel Tower," he says.

ESA has published a report on space waste that includes facts, figures and graphs that show a picture Detailed of the evolution of waste around the planet.

by the human being who does not work and who is in orbit; "The space age began on October 4, 1957 when Russia launched the Sputnik which was the first artificial satellite in history, and since then garbage in orbit has been increasing, first of all obsolete rockets and satellites, then small ones. objects that caused explosions and collisions.

ESA has long warned that space debris is disturbing manner and constituted a serious danger to the ships. operational satellites. In addition, larger objects can re-enter the atmosphere and hit the surface in populated areas.

As a result, space agencies began implementing end-of-life options for instruments launched in space; for example, the initiative of the ESA Clean Space is looking for ways to clean the orbit.

Now, with the CubeSat technology for small and cheap satellites, it fills the space and can damage other missions, so the European agency at a conference in 2017 at its control center in Darmstadt, Germany, ESA warned that big companies like Google and Oneweb want to launch many small satellites in low Earth orbit, but that can compromise large, expensive satellite missions managed by agencies space.

Oneweb wants to create a constellation of satellites to provide broadband Internet service on a global scale. These satellites were to be shipped in December, but the first launch was postponed until March 2019.

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