There are 29 deaths due to an "atypical epidemic" of influenza in Yucatan


MERIDA, Yuc. (Approved) .- The State Health Council revealed that at the end of Epidemiological Week 29, "the atypical epidemic" of influenza left 29 dead in Yucatan and 170 confirmed cases of this disease.

At the first extraordinary session of the State Board of Health, the Secretary of Government, Martha Góngora Sánchez, said that the campaign of dissemination of preventive measures has intensified, given that the participation of the citizens is necessary to contain the contingency

. We are increasing the inputs and the capacity of the staff so that people can be cared for in a timely manner, "he said.

For his part, Health Secretary Jorge Mendoza Mezquita explained that due to the rainy season weather conditions, there was "an atypical flu epidemic".

"They perform the control of the work of the disease, which have been successful in the years He adds however:" There are various factors on this occasion, which require us to take preventive measures and to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. "

In turn, the Deputy Director of Public Health, Mirza Tec Kumul, reported that until now there are 170 confirmed cases of influenza and a total of 12 deaths," atypical situation only comparable to 2013, when there were 137 influenza records with prevalence of circulation of variant AH1N1 ".

He pointed out that from week 1 to 28 the probable cases of the disease were presented, which were 1892, and there were 252 hospitalized for pneumonia, so from week 29 to 52, it is expected that one thousand 233 could be registered.more cases, as well as 370 others hospitalized for pneumonia.

He explained that 625 m ille 373 doses of influenza vaccine were applied, which means 100% coverage for the 2017-201 winter season. 8.

The next batch will arrive until the month of October, "because the biological is changed every year to ensure its effectiveness, according to the study of cases recorded in each lapse", at- he adds.

that through the examination called phylogenetic tree, which is carried out at the National Institute of Epidemiological Reference (Indre), the partial sequence of the hemagglutinin gene is determined by Laboratory Techniques

"In Yucatan-confirmed patient samples it was identified that they belonged to the same group and subgroup of the virus strains contained in the vaccine of the 2017-2018 season and the one that will be applied in 2018-2019, "he said.

During the meeting, it was explained that the National Board of Health focuses on "continuation of vaccination, mainly white groups, which include children from six to 59 months, adults over 60, pregnant women and health staff. "

It also targets people aged five to 59 years old with uncontrolled diabetes, severe obesity, respiratory or cardiac disease, HIV and cancer.

In addition, it was reported that a protocol covering the strengthening of the dissemination of personal hygienic-dietary measures in the media to prevent respiratory diseases, and the formation of the health team to identify the disease and provide timely treatment.

In addition, the review of clinical records will be maintained. for the possible characterization of new variables, since the results will improve the attention process at the first and second levels.

Delegate of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Jorge Méndez Vales, said that the institution in charge He has deployed contingent and operational actions in the first and second levels of care, as well as in the daycares under his responsibility, in addition to more promotional and prevention activities for the staff that cares for beneficiaries, and cases of respiratory diseases are monitored daily to identify and treat influenza .

State and federal authorities have called on the population not to self-care and, the first symptoms, go to the doctor, especially if fever of 39 degrees or more is recorded, deterioration of function cardiac and alteration of the state of alert.

Other recommendations are to wash your hands frequently, to constantly clean the places stay and sneeze covering the mouth with the forearm, as the expelled particles can be within a radius of one meter.

They noted that the outbreak of AH1N1 began in the first weeks of 2009 in Mexico and Yucatan began in the month of April, but, although it occurs all over the Year in the country, it appears more frequently in autumn and winter, while in the peninsula, which is an In the subtropical regions, there is an increase in cases during the rainy season which runs from June to September [19659002] Finally, they warn that outbreaks of influenza AH1N1 occur cyclically every two or three years, and those who identify in the southeastern region, they predict the situation in the rest of the country during the next winter season

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