There are 390 new cases of HIV in Quintana Roo


Alejandra Carrión / SIPSE
CHETUMAL, Q. Roo.- The state recorded from January to June of this year, more than 390 new cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV) add to the more than 600 diagnosed in 2017.

According to the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (Sinave), the entity occupies the sixth position nationwide with more cases of HIV.

Currently records 396 cases, is to say, that until June, the health sector in the state diagnosed two daily cases of sexually transmitted virus. Of the total, 321 were diagnosed among men and 75 among women

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from January to June 2017, 158 cases were recorded

Of the other entities that occupy the first places with more virus cases are Mexico (998), Jalisco (604), State of Mexico City (703), Nuevo Leon (407) and Veracruz (819).

The Ministry of Health in the State (SESA), promotes the rapid test free HIV and confidential.

Alejandra Aguirre Crespo, head of the health unit, said that in all medical units can apply for service to the general population.

"It is important to perform the rapid test, especially in pregnant women as a preventive measure."

Recommended to go to your nearest health office have contracted HIV, in order to Get the quick test to rule out or confirm this condition.

Indicated that in coordination with other organizations and organizations that promote respect for the human rights of the Lgbttti community and the fight against discrimination and homophobia, modules in Chetumal where 94 rapid tests were carried out, including 32 for the detection of HIV, 33 syphilis and 29 hepatitis C.

He pointed out that health workers assigned to health jurisdiction One carried out Application of tests, after talking about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. 19659002] Finally, he stated that early HIV testing is voluntary, confidential and free; and is performed in accordance with the criteria established in Mexican Official Standard NOM-010-SSA2-2010 for the Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS

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