"There are correctors"; Adela Micha makes fun of Sergio Mayer for her spelling mistakes


October 26, 2018

The Morena MP argued that the tweets containing spelling errors were made with an application.

PHOTO: Screeshot YouTube Saga Team

Sergio Mayer is defended after the attacks he suffered for making spelling mistakes in the tweets he publishes; Although the federal MP for Morena accepted the mistakes he made, he clarified that he had not written such messages and had revealed that they had been committed with a application.

Mayer was featured in the show "The Saga", where they addressed the issue of their spelling mistakes, which mocked Adela Micha, who told the actor between two laughs: "There is a corrector. "

After which the chairman of the Committee on Culture and Cinematography replied:

"If there are correctors, do you think that in a ten word phrase, five with spelling errors? To see if your production is fate (an application with which they falsify tweets), so you can see how they do it.

"I recognize that when I make mistakes, no one is perfect, but I have had a media war against networks," Sergio said.

After his statement, the production of the program showed the application of which the MP spoke and they verified that they could falsify the tweets.

(Posted by saga team on October 24, 2018)

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